March-April 2025 - Primarily available for Assessment Services; waitlist for Therapy
March-April 2025 - Primarily available for Assessment Services; waitlist for Therapy
At Eccentric Minds, we understand referrers support many clients with a variety of different needs and sometimes its not clear whether a service is appropriate for a particular presentation or condition. Below is a concise list of clients, conditions and experiences we see based on our clinical competence, training and experience.
If you require additional information, please reach out using our contact form and note you are a referrer.
Medicare provider number - 5914243Y (online), 5914245X (F2F)
SIRA provider number - 19132
If we receive a referral that is outside the scope services Eccentric Minds can provide, we will try to provide appropriate recommendations for alternative services. Some examples of conditions or experiences better supported by other services with more resources or different training include:
In future, Eccentric Minds would like to offer personality, cognitive, academic and specific learning disorder testing using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), Wechsler intelligence scales (WAIS, WISC, WPPSI), Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) and learning disorder batteries.